Toward ultimate form of information and communication networks as social infrastructure

Vision of Oki Laboratory

Vision of Oki Laboratory

Oki laboratory is working on the research and development of high-speed, reliable, and flexible networking technologies, with both theoretical and practical approaches. The followings are major research topics in our laboratory.

1. Optical networking

We study various aspects of optical networking technologies including network design and control, systems, and devices. Especially, we research elastic optical networks and space division multiplexing networks, which flexibly assign network resources including spectrums and fiber cores under the condition of unpredictable traffic demands, from mathematical approaches.

2. Network softwarization/virtualization

With software-defined networking (SDN) and network function virtualization (NFV) technologies, network devices are deployed as virtual functions working on general hardware devices, which enables network operators to provide customized services for their users flexibly and dynamically. Our laboratory works on the design and control technologies of virtualized networks based on network traffic observations and user demands. We focus on improving the efficiency of network resource usage by using methods such as mathematical optimization and machine learning.

3. Highly reliable network control

There are uncertainties in the traffic amount and data processing time in real network systems. In addition, nodes and links on the network can fail. The allocation of network and computation resources need to be determined so that services can be continuously provided even under these situations. Our laboratory works on this topic by exploiting mathematical optimization modeling, algorithm design, and demonstration experiments.

International students are welcome to visit our laboratory or contact: <contact [at]>.
見学は随時受け付けています。希望者は <contact [at]> まで。

【大木研究室に配属された新4回生の皆さんへ / For new B4 students assigned to Oki Lab.】

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